Read. Write.

Publish. Present.

A 3-month mentoring program to improve your academic writing.

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Transforming PhD students into confident researchers in just 3 months

We empower students with essential skills for degree completion and career success through our Read. Write. Publish. Present. (RWPP) training program. This 3-month program includes 12 learning modules consisting of asynchronous online learning videos, downloadable templates, access to an online peer community, virtual weekly mentoring, and one-on-one coaching. Students can complete this program all in the comfort of their own home. 


Graduate student sitting and holding laptop with training program on a laptop screen behind her
Graduate students on a Grad Student Academy video call

Elevate your research abilities

PhD students are expected to possess foundational scholarly communication skills to complete their doctoral studies and excel as researchers. However, few graduate programs provide formal training in academic reading, writing, publishing, and presenting. Enrolling in our comprehensive Read. Write. Publish. Present. program offers students a transformative opportunity for tailored instruction and personalized mentorship to obtain the skills that are expected for academic success but are rarely formally taught in PhD programs. We're not just another online course, we make it our mission to provide students with accessible, convenient, and consistent mentorship to guide their learning. 


Read. Write. Publish. Present.

Training program on a laptop with exercise booklet behind the laptop

 What comes with the RWPP program?


This 3-month online program is designed for PhD students across disciplines who are seeking to enhance their academic writing abilities, boost their research productivity, and effectively manage the intricacies of scholarly publishing and presentation. Features include:

  • 10+ hours of online video lessons
  • 40+ downloadable exercises and templates
  • 12 hours of group mentoring & support
  • 1 hour of individual coaching 
  • Weekly virtual office hours 
  • Access to an online community 
Enroll now

Get a feel for what students learn with this example video lesson


What Students Will Learn

Weeks 1 to 2


Students will gain skills to retrieve and consume academic literature effectively. In these lessons, they'll learn how to:

  • Formulate effective search queries using keywords and Boolean operators
  • Develop search strategies for identifying grey literature
  • Read actively using annotation strategies for increased comprehension 
  • Evaluate the relevance, reliability, and credibility of academic literature
Paper and pen
Weeks 3 to 7


Students will develop skills in crafting clear, concise, and academically rigorous written work. In these lessons, they’ll learn how to:

  • Overcome barriers to writing consistently
  • Establish effective prewriting strategies (e.g., outlining)
  • Structure each section of a research manuscript for publication
  • Develop a clear and concise writing style with minimal academese
Report coming out of computer screen
Weeks 8 to 10


Students will gain insights to navigate the publication process successfully. In these lessons, they’ll learn how to:

  • Deal with self-doubt before submission
  • Overcome criticism and rejection during the review process
  • Craft clear and respectful responses to reviewer feedback (even when disagreeing)
  • Create a system for writing, revising, and submitting manuscripts
Person standing in front of a board
Weeks 11 to 12


Students will learn techniques for effectively communicating their research findings through presentations. In these lessons, they’ll learn how to:

  • Structure presentations under time constraints
  • Design engaging presentations with minimal use of text
  • Deliver confident and persuasive oral presentations
  • Handle questions and feedback from the audience

I'm Joseph Rios, PhD

Prior to founding Grad Student Academy, I taught and mentored award-winning PhD students as a professor at a Big Ten university. I developed the Read. Write. Publish. Present. program to provide students with formal training on the requisite skills needed for success in their doctoral programs and beyond. The principles taught in this course are those that enabled me to receive a national-level early career researcher award and publish over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles that have been cited more than 2,000 times in academic journals, popular media outlets (e.g., FastCompany), and international policy briefs (e.g., World Bank). I look forward to teaching students everything I know so that they can effectively identify literature, master academic writing, navigate the publication process, and present their research ideas.

Have questions about the program? Schedule a free meeting with me to learn more. 


Let's chat
Joseph A. Rios, PhD

What Our Students Are Saying

Grad Student Academy PhD student

"My time with Grad Student Academy has been nothing short of incredible. The materials provided have taken my writing skills to the next level. I'm incredibly grateful to Joseph for sharing this resource and creating this community for graduate students like myself - thank you, Grad Student Academy!" 


James Madison University

Grad Student Academy PhD student

"The program provided thorough yet approachable lessons, complemented by supportive resources, intellectually stimulating weekly meetings, and excellent mentorship. I highly recommend this course to students seeking to improve their self-efficacy, academic writing proficiency, and understanding of the publishing process." 


Oxford University

Grad Student Academy PhD student

"The program was incredibly user-friendly, effectively demystifying the often overwhelming writing and publishing process. I was able to apply the concepts immediately, significantly boosting my writing skills and confidence. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to all Ph.D. students – it's a game-changer!" 


University of North Carolina, Greensborough

Are you getting the mentoring you need to be successful?


Program Costs

The online program begins on May 27th, 2024. Enroll before the May 20th deadline. 









Read. Write. Publish. Present.


per student

Limited enrollment - only 30 spots available!

  • 10+ hours of online video lessons ($600 value)
  • 40+ downloadable exercises and templates ($150 value)
  • 12 hours of group mentoring ($600 value)
  • 1 hour of individual coaching ($250 value)
  • Weekly virtual office hours ($240 value)
  • Access to an online community ($75 value)

Early Adopter Price: $867 $1,915


Supporting your students cost $10/day.

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Ready to enroll multiple students?

We offer a discount for labs, programs, departments, colleges, and universities. Receive a discount when you purchase a bundle of subscriptions. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Get in touch with us. 

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